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We have made a list of sustainability issues related to our business based on the SDGs, global ESG indicators, and benchmark surveys of domestic peer companies, prioritizing the identified issues based on their level of importance to the Group as well as to stakeholders.

Identification of Sustainability Issues

Sustainability issues related to our business are listed based on the SDGs, global ESG disclosure standards (SASB), and benchmark surveys of domestic peer companies.


The identified issues are prioritized, taking into account their level of importance to the Group as well as to stakeholders.

Discussion and Approval by Management

The Sustainability Promotion Committee discusses and approves the list.

The materialities identified in the above process are shown in the red box in the figure below.

The relevance of each materiality to the SDGs and the Company’s initiatives are as follows.

Materiality The Company’s initiative Related SDGs
Reduction of greenhouse gases ・Management of Industrial waste performance
・Switch to energy-efficient equipment
・Support for promotion of EVs (electric vehicles) and other eco-cars
・Secondary use of heat from hot springs
  • 6.エネルギーをみんなに、そしてクリーンに
  • 12.つくる責任、つかう責任
  • 13.気候変動に、具体的な対策を
  • 14.海の豊かさを、守ろう
Reduction of single-use plastics ・Review of amenity offerings
Effective use of water resources ・Cease routine changing of linens (WECO cleaning for consecutive nights)
・Installation of water-saving equipment
Human resources Creation of new jobs ・Active job creation
・Employment of people with disabilities
  • 4.質の高い教育を、みんなに
  • 5.ジェンダー平等を、実現しよう
  • 8.働きがいも、経済成長も
Diverse workforce ・Increasing the percentage of women in management positions
・Introduction of unisex uniforms
Investment in human resources ・Expansion of training programs
Providing opportunities for learning ・Implementation of RA program in dormitories
・Offering schooling assistance programs
・Support for overseas students through the Kyoritsu International Foundation Scholarship
・Implementation of work experience programs at hotels
Food Food safety and security ・Food safety and security through HACCP-compliant hygiene management
  • 3.すべての人に、健康と福祉を
  • 12.つくる責任、つかう責任
Food waste reduction ・Initiatives to reduce food waste at dormitories
・Food waste reduction and recycling
Health consciousness ・Provision of healthy meals
・Children's cafeteria
Strengthening governance ・Development of governance structure
・Promoting compliance
・Implementation of harassment training
  • 10.人や国の不平等をなくそう
  • 16.平和と公正を、すべての人に
  • 17.パートナーシップで、目標を達成しよう