Governance Initiatives
Strengthening Governance Structure
Development of Governance Structure
In order to contribute to the Company's sustainable growth and medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value, we have a Board of Directors structure in which one-third of the total number of directors are independent outside directors. In 2022, in order to enhance our corporate governance, we established a voluntary Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee, the majority of whose members are independent outside directors, to strengthen the fairness, transparency, and objectivity of procedures related to nomination, remuneration, and other matters.
Promoting Compliance
We have established a compliance promotion system to ensure that the execution of duties by employees complies with laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation, as well as with social responsibilities and corporate ethics. To promote compliance, we have developed manuals and policies and provide guidance through training and other means to ensure that all employees, in their respective positions, view compliance as a personal problem and conduct their business operations accordingly. We have also established an internal reporting system that allows employees to report or consult with us regarding potential or actual compliance violations, and we are working to correct and resolve problems as early as possible.
Implementation of Harassment Training
To promote sound organizational management, we incorporate harassment training in management and rank-specific training to prevent various types of harassment and raise employee awareness.

Basic compliance policy
Our company name, Kyoritsu Maintenance, means "to stand together with our customers, with society, and with all those who support us, and to be a firm, secure presence in the world".
In order for a company to survive and continue doing business, it is a prerequisite to abide by the rules of the world and the rules of society. We can only grow when we have the trust of society.
The Group considers compliance to be one of our most important management issues, and adherence to compliance is fundamental to the actions of each and every officer and employee.
We aim to be a company that is trusted and chosen by all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, and shareholders, by ensuring that each and every one of our executives and employees comply with our Compliance Policy (compliance items), which is described in our Compliance Manual, in addition to our management philosophy, action guidelines, and management policies, which are defined in our corporate philosophy.
Anti-bribery policy
Our compliance manual states, ``In principle, we prohibit the receipt of money or goods that are not based on commercial transactions, and we prohibit bribery,'' and we make the following information known to our employees.
(The following is an excerpt from our compliance manual. V. Compliance Policy (Compliance) 5: Prohibition of giving or receiving money or goods not based on commercial transactions, prohibition of bribery)
In principle, we do not give or receive any money or gifts that are not part of commercial transactions. In addition, we do not give/receive gifts/entertainment to/from our business partners beyond what is socially acceptable.
We will comply with the National Public Service Ethics Code and other relevant laws and regulations when giving/receiving gifts and/or entertainment to/from public officials and presumptive public officials, and will not provide them with any illicit benefits.
- (1) Prohibition in principle of the receipt of money or gifts that are not part of commercial transactions
- In principle, we shall decline offers of gifts of money or gifts from customers, business partners, etc. that are not part of commercial transactions.
- (2) Prohibition on giving/receiving excessive gifts, entertainment, etc.
- We shall not give or receive entertainment, gifts, or other benefits that deviate from social conventions in our relationships with business partners and their executives and employees.
- (3) Prohibition of requests for kickbacks
- We shall not use our business position to ask business partners for money, gifts, entertainment, or other kickbacks.
- (4) Prohibition of bribery, etc.
- ①We shall not illicitly provide, or offer to illicitly provide, money or other benefits to a public official.
- ②We shall not provide public officials with gifts or entertainment that are in violation of the National Public Service Ethics Law, the National Public Service Ethics Code, or other similar rules and regulations established by various public agencies or local governments.
- ③We shall not request, or offer to provide, any money or other benefits to any executive or employee of a business partner as an incentive for misconduct for the purpose of improperly influencing business decisions, etc. Similarly, we shall not accept any such requests or offers.