IR information
IR policy
Goals and Fundamental Approach of IR Activities
Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd. ( “the Company”), conducts investor relations (IR) activities with the aim of providing information concerning management strategies, financial conditions and other matters to shareholders, investors and all other stakeholders in a way that is accurate, fair and appropriate. The Company also aims to secure trust and favorable recognition from its shareholders and investors by getting our disclosure through to them accurately.
Information Disclosure Standards
The Company discloses information in accordance with timely disclosure rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, the Company conducts timely disclosure of any information with critical impact on investor judgement related to securities. This includes information concerning important decisions, occurrences with substantial consequences, and financial results. The Company also releases information upon receipt of inquiries from the Tokyo Stock Exchange and when important information that it has already released is updated or withdrawn. Furthermore, Kyoritsu Maintenance works to proactively disclose information judged to be effective in deepening understanding regarding the Company.
Information Disclosure Methods
The Company discloses applicable information through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) offered by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, in accordance with its rules regarding timely disclosure. Additionally, the Company works to ensure swift and objective disclosure with adequate consideration for overseas markets. Furthermore, the Company quickly posts information that it has disclosed on this website.
Silent Period
In order to prevent the leak of financial information and to ensure fairness of information disclosure, we have adopted a “silent period” that lasts from the day after the end of each quarter to the day before corresponding financial results are announced. During this time, we will not make any comments nor respond to any questions concerning our financial results or forecasts for the corresponding period. However, if we determine during the silent period that results will differ from our forecast significantly at the point of timely disclosure requirements, we will disclose the relevant information in a timely manner.