IR information
Earnings and financial
Financial Highlights/Financial Information
Fluctuations in management results (quarterly)
Fluctuations in management results (annual)
Fact sheet
Sales breakdown by segment
(including the eliminations of intersegment transactions)
When financial result reports are updated, the data posted here will not be immediately be updated. In the event of stock splits, there will be no retroactive revision of related financial indicators. The update frequency may be changed due to changes in the financial result report formats. The above-indicated company plans, strategies, forecasts, and other matters that are not historical facts are future forecasts based on currently available expectations, estimations, and predictions. These expectations, estimations, and predictions are affected by numerous potential risks, uncertainties, and assumptions based on the changes in economic conditions, exchange rate fluctuations, changes in the competitive environment, results of pending and future litigations, and continuous effectiveness of financing capital. Therefore, the actual performance may greatly deviate from the forecast. As such, we ask that you refrain from exclusively relying on the information pertaining to future predictions. The company bears no responsibility to update future predictions based on new information or future events.
The information on this data is created based on the financial result report.
While we use due care to convert data to post information, please note that the information may contain errors due to third parties' false alterations, mechanical defects from device malfunctions, and other force majeure.
For detailed information on the financial results, please check the financial result reports.